4 Hour Introductory VIP Response™ Workplace Violence Training (MAB) for Physicians & Providers (MAB®))
Comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Training, compliant with all California State SB-1299, AB-508, California Health & Safety Codes; 1257.7 and 1257.8, OSHA 8 CCR 3342, as well as all other State and Federal laws necessary in order to meet the requirements for a mandatory workplace violence prevention and management program for healthcare. Since this training is a derivative of the MAB (Management of Assaultive behavior) family, this course also meets any and all of the National MAB Standards and Practices.
This class fulfills the educational requirements for all clinical and non-clinical doctors, physicians, clinicians and providers, having direct and non-direct contact with clients within the facility, who are required to attend, in order to acquire regulatory compliancy. And for those who simply wish to learn more about human behavior, both ours and the aggressor's, or who desire to strengthen their ability to effectively respond to difficult people, react to potentially violent situations, defend themselves against a physical attack and feel safer and more confident within their surroundings, the training presented will instill a whole new perspective on understanding how to be and become more empowered when faced with aggressive behaviors.
The education offered within this format is appropriate for doctors, physicians, clinicians and providers who do not have the luxury of attending 8 hour Workplace Violence Prevention Trainings.
(This training is required, for all employees who work, or have direct personal contact with clients or anyone else within a behavioral health setting, or an Emergency Department where the potential for aggressive or violent behavior exists, so we encourage you to consult your facility's requirements before registering.
Class Objectives
- The meaning and definition of assault and how it applies to the workplace.
- Types of assaultive behaviors and their causes.
- The importance of assessing what we as employees bring to a situation that will propel it in a good or bad direction so we can avoid making a situation worse and always guide it toward a better outcome.
- Characteristics of aggressive and violent clients and victims.
- Understanding the importance of customer service techniques in order to help clients stay or become calm.
- General safety measures.
- Personal safety measures.
- The Assault Cycle (Crisis Cycle) and how it can help de-escalate an aggressive situation.
- The linear steps of negotiation in order to reduce aggression.
- The B.E.N.D. Model Algorithm Tree in order to better understand how to effectively assess a situation in order to direct into in a better, safer and calmer outcome.
- Examining specific methods to lay the groundwork for successful de-escalation outcomes.
- Words and phrases recognized as common trigger words not to say in order to de-escalate individuals.
- Aggression and violent behavior predicting factors.
- Obtaining client history from an individual with past or present violent behavior.
- Verbal intervention and de-escalation techniques and physical maneuvers to defuse and predict violent behaviors.
- Strategies to avoid physical harm and remove yourself from the assaultive situation.
- Appropriate and inappropriate use of medications as chemical restraints to help provide coping mechanisms in accordance with Title 22.
- The legal criteria necessary for employees to have the right in placing their hands upon an individual with the intentions of either restraining, or protecting from a client.
- Appropriate and inappropriate use of restraining techniques in accordance with Title 22. Note: The use of physical and chemical restraints in health care facilities is highly regulated by both the State and Federal Governments.
- An opportunity to practice the physical evasive and protective maneuvers and techniques together with other employees they work with to better understand and become more proficient with the ability to perform these actions if confronted with an assaultive situation.
- Debriefing with the clients following an aggressive outburst in order to understand what the root cause of the incident was and how the employees can help avoid or prevent the aggression from occurring again.