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April 26, 2020Beyoncé has continued to offer her soothing presence during these trying times. After appearing on both the Disney Family Singalong and Global Citizen’s Together at Home concert, she announced that her BeyGOOD initiative will donate $6 million to support mental health organizations during the coronavirus pandemic.
In a statement on her website, Bey announced that she’s partnering with UCLA and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s #Startsmall to aid organizations that provide mental wellness services. “Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD is supporting organizations that are on the ground 24/7, including United Medical Center, Bread of Life, Matthew 25 and others, to address these dire needs in some of the hardest hit areas, providing basic necessities, including food, water, cleaning supplies, medicines, face masks, and personal hygiene items. Void of these basic necessities, mental burdens are also accelerated,” the statement read.
BeyGOOD also will also partner with the National Alliance on Mental Illness to provide local support in Houston, New York, New Orleans, and Detroit. In addition to aiding the United Medical Center, Bread of Life, and Matthew 25, her support will also help No Kid Hungry, World Central Kitchen and Dia De La Mujer Latina.
The donation will not only combat the mental-health toll on essential workers, but aide communities of color that are suffering at higher rates due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Many families live in underserved areas with homes that make it harder to practice social distancing,” the statement on Beyoncé’s website notes. “Communities that were already lacking funds for education, health and housing are now faced with alarming infection rates and fatalities. And these communities lack access to testing and equitable healthcare.”
Beyoncé also spoke about how coronavirus has disproportionately affected black Americans during last week’s Global Citizen Together at Home concert. “This virus is killing black people at an alarmingly high rate here in America,” she said during her remarks. “A recent report from my home city, Houston, Texas, showed that of COVID-19 deaths within Houston city limits, 57 percent of fatal cases are African-American. Please protect yourselves. We are one family and we need you; we need your voices, your abilities, and your strength all over this world. I know it’s very hard but please be patient and stay encouraged, keep the faith, stay positive and continue to pray for our heroes.”