4 Day VIP Response™ Workplace Violence Prevention Instructor Training (MAB®)


This specialized course is open to all organizations wishing to send selected employees through the training in order for them to become instructors for their facilities to train their staff in VIP Response™ Training, or selected individuals who would like to become trainers for Phoenix Training Group and would want to work as contractors, travelling to our facilities to teach employees within the healthcare, behavioral health, law enforcement, security and general workplace environments.

Comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Instructor Training, compliant with all California State SB-1299, AB-508, California Health & Safety Codes; 1257.7 and 1257.8, OSHA 8 CCR 3342, as well as all other State and Federal laws necessary in order to meet the requirements for providing mandatory workplace violence prevention and management training for the employees working within the healthcare industry.

The following pages are the descriptions of each day's content:

Day 1.

Completion of contracts, paperwork, and establish goals of the training.
Demonstration of the VIP Response™ lecture portion of the class taught to develop a sense of content and pacing that help make up an effective training.

Development of individual and team plans for the remainder of the training to fully customize the class for each of their facilities or organizations.
Understand the concept of when and whether employees have the legal right to step in physically when faced with an aggressive or potentially assaultive individual, as well as realize that a gray area exists between each employee's interpretation of their own level of perceived threat which dictates their response to the aggressive individual.
Understand the concept that every intervention or response between the employee and an individual threatening or inflicting violence, needs to involve the team approach and intervention, rather than a singular one if the outcome is to be a successful and therapeutic conclusion, and that this approach is essential to creating and strengthening the team within the facility. Students will also examine the importance of thinking preventatively while performing exercises to fully understand the thought process of preventative and critical thinking. Understand the concepts forged from standard crisis negotiation training, of focusing on what is behind any aggressive behavior instead of focusing on the behavior itself, to create an understanding of the root causes of the situation instead of the situation itself. Once this concept has been established and demonstrated, the participants will be able to help direct the incident from a volatile one into a calmer and therapeutic intervention that will not simply end as a “controlled” incident, but instead one in which the aggressive individual actually benefits therapeutically from the process.
Understand their own reactions to aggressive, assaultive, or potentially assaultive behavior in a therapeutic way that is beneficial for both themselves and the aggressive individual by examining their recognition, reactions, and response to violence or aggression. This in turn will act as a powerful learning tool in understanding more about the instinctive reactions we exhibit while faced with an aggressive situation and how to recognize and manage our own reactions in order not to escalate a potentially aggressive situation. Emphasis will be made on this concept so that the attendees will be able to clearly identify and avoid a reaction that will cause an incident to become volatile when it could have been prevented. Attendees will learn how these same principles apply to our own lives as well, realizing that if we are not able to effectively de-escalate ourselves within stressful situations outside of a facility we work within, then we most likely will not be able to calm a situation while working within the facility without learning these very important dynamics.
Understand the three important elements of the custom-developed “Intervention Triad,” which includes concepts and examples of Teamwork, Communication, and effective Plan of Action, known to all employees involved in the response when dealing with an escalating, aggressive, or violent encounter, to help ensure a successful and therapeutic resolution to the situation.
Understand the importance of using one experienced Team Leader when responding to an escalated, aggressive, or assaultive situation and that only the Team Leader, either chosen or elected, should be the one communicating with the escalated or hostile individual, so as to direct or re-direct the focus between the employee and the client, and therefore better lead the encounter to a more successful and therapeutic resolution.
Wrap up of the day and preview of the next day's events

Day 2.

Understand the five phases of the Assault Cycle and how it maps out and explains the physical, emotional, and psychological behavior responses, and how it applies to the clients, employees, and the facility's milieu.
Learn and review the B.E.N.D. Model Flow Chart in order to understand the simple algorithm process while encountering a potentially violent person or situation from start to finish and how to direct it in a positive direction based upon negotiation skills and the ability to follow the flow of where the proven process guides us.
Understand both internal and external factors responsible for triggering escalation and assaultive behavior, and how to effectively assess and respond to the individual situation to help calm and resolve the encounter to assist in preventing a physical response.
Understand the importance of body language, both exhibited by clients and employees.
Understand the crisis negotiation-based concept of using re-direction and/or distraction techniques when confronted with an escalated, aggressive, or assaultive interaction between employees and clients, or unknown individuals when facility resources offering assistance might not be available yet, and so how to use either singular and/or a team-oriented response to de-escalate and protect oneself in the process.
Understand the twelve elements of Active Listening during the negotiating process.
Understand and demonstrate the concepts and importance of a distinct Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C protocol during a team-oriented effort, as well as the Crisis Negotiation-based twelve step Active Listening Format to help ensure the staff are negotiating correctly and creating an environment of calm instead of chaos. Students will be able to map out the steps for their own situation, to build a better team and therapeutic outcome to the crisis, as well as to help the patient realize a healthier decision-making process.
Understand the importance and content of an appropriate and therapeutic dialogue between the employee and the escalated, aggressive, or assaultive individual during the de-escalation or physical containment process, and how this either can calm or fuel a situation. Examples will be learned of what dialogue to offer and how to deliver that dialogue so the escalated or aggressive encounter will be more likely to resolve with a successful and therapeutic outcome.

Day 3.

Continue to demonstrate and understand the compassionate, non-injurious, regulatory agency-compliant, and simple yet effective evasive self-defense techniques when faced with an assaultive or potentially assaultive encounter.
Understand and demonstrate the debriefing process between the employees and the aggressive individual, when appropriate, or when the individual is a client of the facility. We will address this section to establish the possible reasons for the aggressive act, how we as staff can help to prevent a similar incident from happening in the future, and to help the aggressive individual process the therapeutic value of the incident. By doing this, the employees can also learn how to read the individual's early warning signs better, as well as how the client can learn how to communicate more effectively to the employees, all with the intent of preventing a further act of aggression occurring from that individual in the future. In the case where an incident has occurred, then the recording of that incident to meet the facility's and any outside agency's documentation requirement will be discussed.
Effectively use the debriefing process with the affected employees to examine and forensically dissect the incident itself, to learn from the outcome why the incident occurred and what staff might have done to prevent the situation in the first place.
Discuss the VIP Response™ Training materials for the classes that they each will use for their individual facilities and how to apply what they have learned to merge the two together for the training, as well as the follow-up process to maintain their certifications.

Understand and demonstrate humane, non-injurious, regulatory agency-compliant, and simple yet effective evasive self-defense techniques when faced with an assaultive or potentially assaultive encounter, derived from some of the oldest protective arts ever developed. This section is approached very carefully, and the emphasis on defending minimally and escaping immediately to protect oneself and obtain assistance from support staff, is stressed heavily to create a safe and more effective solution to the situation. It must be understood that the evasive techniques taught within this workshop are extremely aggressor-friendly and not designed to injure the assaultive person, only evade them quickly without using an aggressive response in return, even when the individual is attempting to use deadly force.
Wrap up of the day and preview of the next day's events.

Day 4.

Understand and demonstrate the simple, physical containment intervention techniques, using two, three, four, and five-person team-coordinated efforts, as well as how to use the extra support staff who might also respond to the situations. During this training section, the staff will be able to implement and practice the techniques that they will be teaching while helping to develop a more efficient and coordinated team for the employees they train by each participant having the chance to be a team leader during the exercise. Discuss what each participant learned from the workshop, ways to develop and enhance the teamwork within the facility, as well as to examine their own issues and responsibilities of how to create a more compassionate, effective, and therapeutic staff.
Discuss the Phoenix Training Group materials for the classes that they each will use for their individual facilities and how to apply what they have learned to merge the two together for the training, as well as the follow-up process to maintain their certifications. Wrap up and final thoughts and instructions, followed by certificates being awarded to the new instructors and what plans they have for training now that they are certified while also developing their own plans to become the best Instructors for themselves as well as for their organizations.

(If you are interested in becoming a Phoenix Training Group VIP Response™ Instructor, please contact us to receive information and instructions on the steps you can take to enroll in the next Instructor Training.)

32 Contact Hours

Price: $1,900.00 Per Person